Here's an atypical conformal model of the hyperbolic plane.

Here's an atypical conformal model of the hyperbolic plane. The Poincaré disk is mapped to the entire plane via the Joukowsky transformation (, compressing the boundary-at-infinity to the interval [-1,1] on the real axis.

Has this model appeared in the literature? If so, what is it named?


  1. Neat. Rotated 90 degrees clockwise resembles a Buddhabrot.

  2. Interesting observation Melinda Green. These may be related since the Joukowsky transformation I used was (z^2+1)/2z and the numerator is the transformation used to make a Mandelbrot.

  3. Roice Nelson I don't understand that, but is there anything you might do to increase the correspondence?

  4. Melinda Green, I'm not sure. Here it is rotated and not cut off, at least. Thinking a little more and pulling up the Mandelbrot wiki page, my previous thought doesn't really apply anyway.

  5. Roice Nelson Now it looks like the Stay-Puff marshmallow man. :-)

  6. Hi, this is interesting. I've just added the Joukovsky transform to this shader (hit 'j' to enable): - Shadertoy

  7. Matthew Arcus, very cool! Thanks for sharing.


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