The 120-cell encodes the symmetries of the dodecahedron. This is probably my favorite mathematical surprise, and amazed and shocked me when I learned it (still amazes and shocks me). I always thought it'd be nice to write a blog post about this. This week, John Baez did a lovely post about this very thing, and I learned even more about the connection by reading it. He's been building up to that post with his #4d series. Here's a link to that series, which should hopefully filter out all the reshares you get by just searching on the hashtag. Originally shared by John Baez So here's the climax of the #4d story, though not the end. See this 'belt' of 60 dodecahedra that makes up half the 120-cell when you curl it up into a torus? Let's understand it! It might help if you first watch the 120-cell video again. So, what is this belt, and why is it made of 60 dodecahedra? First: each point in a ball of radius π descr