
Showing posts from October, 2015

I'm happy to find out that this Coxeter documentary is now available online.

I'm happy to find out that this Coxeter documentary is now available online. Originally shared by Ian Agol I went to the Bolyai bicentennial conference in 2002, which was the last conference that Coxeter spoke at at 95 years old. He was being filmed for a documentary, and I always wondered what happened with the film. I happened to sit across from the filmmaker tonight at dinner, who is also a recent biographer of John Conway. It was fun to see the conference footage and spot myself in it as well as many colleagues.

Experience Super Depth Perception

Experience Super Depth Perception Now you can because Melinda Green made her design available on Shapeways! It effectively triples the distance between your eyes. I want :D Originally shared by Melinda Green These stereo-enhancing goggles triple your inter-ocular distance and let you perceive the world in greater depth and out to a much greater distance. This is version three of my device. The first was made of coat-hanger wire, the second of balsa wood, and now it is 3D printed. That's exciting because it means that everyone can print their own! What's it good for? Well I developed it to help crash RC planes together, but I'm sure someone will find some more practical uses for it. Please add your suggestions in the comments. It turns out to be a fun novelty for showing how amazingly plastic the human brain is. You can fully adapt to the new view in just a couple of minutes. The funny thing is how screwed

On being Thurstonized by Benson Farb

Originally shared by Luis Guzman On being Thurstonized by Benson Farb Being a Thurston student was inspiring and frustrating – often both at once. At our second meeting I told Bill that I had decided to work on understanding fundamental groups of negatively curved manifolds with cusps. In response I was introduced to the famous “Thurston squint”, whereby he looked at you, squint his eyes, give you a puzzled look, then gaze into the distance (still with the squint). After two minutes of this he turned to me and said: “Oh, I see, it’s like a froth of bubbles, and the bubbles have a bounded amount of interaction.” Being a diligent graduate student, I dutifully wrote down in my notes: “Froth of bubbles. Bounded interaction.” After our meeting I ran to the library to begin work on the problem. I looked at the notes. Froth? Bubbles? Is that what he said? What does that mean? I was stuck. Three agonizing years of work later I solved the problem. It’s a lot to explain in detail, but if I were