All of these talks are available to watch at the link below!

All of these talks are available to watch at the link below!

Found this via decor light just in time for the long holiday weekend :)

Originally shared by Chandan Dalawat

What's Next? The mathematical legacy of Bill Thurston

Bill Thurston introduced new ways of thinking about and of seeing mathematics that have had a profound influence on the entire mathematical community. Mathematicians from a broad spectrum of areas gathered June 23-27, 2014 to describe recent advances and explore future directions motivated by Thurston's transformative ideas.

 Yair Minsky: Relative and absolute bounds on skinning maps

Rick Kenyon: Discrete analytic functions and integrability

Alan Reid: Arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds

John Milnor: Hyperbolic component boundaries

Benson Farb: Homology, representation theory, and Bill

Anton Zorich: Lyapunov exponents and diffusion in periodic billiards

Dusa McDuff: Thurston's work on contact and symplectic geometry

Kelly Delp: Playing with surfaces

Michel Boileau: Cyclic branched coverings and characterizations of S3

Yi Ni: Genus minimizing knots in rational homology spheres

Jeff Weeks: The shape of space

Anna Wienhard: Geometric structures and representation varieties

Dani Wise: Mixed 3-manifolds are virtually special

Danny Calegari: Random groups, diamonds and glass

Étienne Ghys: Foliations - What's next after Thurston?

François Labourie: Minimal surfaces & geometry of Hitchin components

Tan Lei: Core entropy of polynomials

Richard Schwartz: A smorgasbord of computer demos

Vlad Markovic: H* of curves and surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Mitsuhiro Shishikura: Thurston's theorems in complex dynamics

Mladen Bestvina: The geometry of Out(Fn)

Ian Agol: The malnormal special quotient theorem

Nathan Dunfield: Practical computation with hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Curtis McMullen: Dynamics and algebraic integers


  1. The image here was probably first created by Sam Derbyshire  or Greg Egan.


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