After 30 years since the last was found, a new convex pentagonal tiling is discovered!

After 30 years since the last was found, a new convex pentagonal tiling is discovered!

Originally shared by David Eppstein

A complete description of the convex pentagons that tile the plane is still unknown (see It caused a sensation in the mid-1970s when housewife Marjorie Rice, inspired by Martin Gardner's columns, found several more, and since 1985 the number of known tiling types has stood at 14. But not any more: Casey Mann, Jennifer McLoud, and David von Derau, all of the University of Washington Bothell, have found a 15th type, shown below.

For a brief announcement, including what looks like a screenshot of a brief writeup by the authors (that I can't find directly), see
The image below is from, an applet for manipulating various tilings including these ones.


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