I enjoyed this talk, especially the latter part.

I enjoyed this talk, especially the latter part.  It was interesting to hear about all the thought that has gone into hyperbolic manifolds with infinite volume and "exotic manifolds" that are "geometrically infinite" (a distinction I do not yet understand).  Thanks for your post Refurio Anachro!

Originally shared by Refurio Anachro

The Royal Institution was founded in 1799, and since the beginning it has been supporting public engagement with science. In their gorgeous premises they've been hosting the "Friday Evening Discourses" pop science lectures since 1825, nowadays recorded on video for you to watch. Those are for everyone and it's not unusual for them to have many kids in the audience.

A recent one is "Topology, Geometry and Life in Three Dimensions" given by Caroline Series. She is striving hard to explain William Thurston's geometrization conjecture for the uninitiated, and it's the first recording where i saw the audience holding their breath for the whole time.

In 2d, there's only one kind of hyperbolic space. But in 3d you can sort of combine different spaces, having it spherical in one, euclidean in another, and hyperbolic in a third direction. You can even to some twisting which wouldn't produce a new space in 2d, but has interesting effects in 3d.

And that's what Thurston did, he analyzed all these spaces, and asked wether every surface embedded in 3d induces a geometry. Today we know they do, and it's because of him that we know that most spaces are hyperbolic. 

Some of the slides feature beautiful pictures by Henry Segerman and Jos Leys showing hyperbolic spaces.

By the way you guys, what's your attitude to copyright, what are your experiences? It seems to me, diagrams from scientific publications are usually considered BY-NC-SA, which makes sense. It's why you usually see attribution of the creators in scientific papers, but special courtesy of / thank you notices in books. Everybody wants their work to be seen, but also participate in profits if any occur.

So, did bad feelings happen to you, about a publisher having used your work for his profit? Did you ever fight for your name to appear, or a picture to be taken down? Just curious, i'm certain that what Caroline did in her talk was perfectly fine.

Some links

The video:

Their official page for the talk:

Their announcement on g+:

Jos' and Henry's pages full of beautiful imagery. A must see:

#mathematics #video #lecture , #geometrization , #hyperbolic #geometry


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