Polytope Jewelry

Polytope Jewelry

I just ran across this jewelry collection by Lynne MacLachlan called "Bubble".  She leveraged the software Jenn3D, rapid prototyping, and jewelry techniques to make some beautiful pieces!  

l think the necklace in this image is a dodecahedral prism.  There is also a hypercube based ring and more.  I haven't figured out what the large necklace is yet.  Anyone recognize it?

Jenn3D is free, opensource and available at http://www.math.cmu.edu/~fho/jenn/.


  1. Nice find, Roice Nelson! It would be nice if she'd included some brief mathematical background notes, which could well have appealed to the target audience.

  2. Looks like a 120 cell projection (possibly with some creative model edits to remove a few cells).


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