Experimenting with Different Projections

Experimenting with Different Projections

No new honeycomb here, but some new and strange views.  Which do you like best?

This is the rectified {3,3,6}.  In all these images the camera is at the origin of the Poincare ball model and looking in the same direction.  Only the projection from the 3D model to the screen is changing.  Some of the results get pretty wacky, and details on the various projections are here:


Tom Ruen, I think the closest to what you were asking about last night is the "Ultra-wide 180 degrees".  Maybe this would be the best projection for wikipedia images?


  1. Great tests, all nice, but I'd go with first one (180) or last one (linear perspective), although fisheye (360) is very attractive. The edge cylinder radii do seem to get unwieldy on some of them. In general they could they be made thinner I think.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Tom Ruen!

  3. le kaléïdoscope d'une vie en recherche
    j'aime beaucoup


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